Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Semester Resolutions

    Hey guys! With the spring semester of school starting up soon I wanted to post my new semester resolutions! I know these are things that I wanted to work on and I hope that it inspires y'all!

  • Clean Out Files: I want to start this next semester totally organized so I want to clean out all my folders, binders, etc. This will help you keep things straight throughout the semester so you don't get too overloaded on papers. Tip: get a storage box and those hanging folders to help file away papers that you don't need but want to save to study for finals! 

  • Check Out On-Campus Opportunities: Last semester I really focused on school and wanted to do well so I didn't get as involved as I wish I could have. This semester I want to look into volunteer groups and other campus events I can attend.I recommend looking at those flyers that you totally ignored before and also check out your schools social media pages for events going on.
  • Find New Routes to Class: Since this semester I am taking new classes I want to explore different ways to walk on campus, my school is pretty so I want to see more. This is just a fun thing I want to work on so I'm not to bored with my commute. 

  • Find New Study Spots: Again, I want to shake things up so this semester I will try to find other study nooks on campus and off. Maybe try a new coffee shop or a different spot in the library. 
  • Make A Study Schedule: I always wanted to do this last semester but somehow I never got around to it. I am taking a extra class this semester that maybe a little challenging so I definitely need to make this before it's too late. Tip: go on Pintrest and search study schedule there are a ton of templates you can use. 
  • Be More Attentive: Now we are all guilty of slacking off from time to time. This semester I want to work on taking more efficient notes and not missing class as much. I also want to work on being more involved in class other then slipping in last minute in the back and hiding behind my laptop. Tip: sit closer to the front (Don't freak you don't have to sit front row) this way you will be more inclined to focus.
  • Run More: I actually discovered that I don't mind running, so I want to take advantage of my beautiful campus and sight see while I run. If you don't like running I would recommend going out to walk every once and a while. This clears your head and helps when you are stressing out. Invite a friends and make an afternoon of it. 

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