Monday, February 15, 2016

5 Cheap Things To Do With Friends


        Hey, guys! I know that while being in college, your life can get a bit routine. My group of friends and I have all fell into a slump the past few weeks. We all sat down one night and thought of a list of cheap things (since were in college we are broke) to do together.

  • Go on an adventure
    • This doesn't have to be a big event that is super expensive. If you are in college you probably live in the typical college town. You probably know what restaurants are open late and where the closest grocery store is, but other than that what do you know about your town? Go find something new in your town or if you are lucky skip over to the next town and spend the day there. Find out if there is a lake, go hiking, or even check out some museums! 

  • Have a picnic
    • This may sound lame I know but you can customize your picnic to fit whatever you and your friends are into. For instance, my group went to the closest park (you can even find a cool place on campus) and we went hammocking with our Enos.  Make some food or just grab some food from the dining hall and sit outside, talk, and enjoy the day! 

  • Water Balloon Fight
    • Don't deny that you secretly really want to do this. Growing up is fun but sometimes you just want to go back to the days when things were simple. Go to the local dollar store and pick up a few packs of water balloons. This is a great way to get school of your mind!

  • Play with some animals
    • This is for you animal lovers out there! If you are lucky there is a local shelter around town that you can go and visit cute pups or kittens! TIP: sometimes you may have to fib a little and say you are interested in purchasing one ðŸ˜‰

  • Have a movie night
    • We all have had these before but go big on this one. Go to Redbox, Netflix, wherever you want to get a movie. TIP: if you google "Redbox coupon codes" you can find a code that gets you a free movie! Next go to the dollar store and stock up on candy, popcorn, and soda. Pick someone's apartment/dorm to host the party in and move the furniture and plop down pillows and blankets to make room for everyone.